Palestra dia 28 de Outubro 2009 às 14:30 no anfiteatro B008

Applied Semantics – An hybrid perspective on meaning
Alessandro Oltramari

Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies (ISTC-CNR),
Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), Trento & Department of Management and Engineering (University of Padua), Vicenza.

In this talk I illustrate a foundational and applicative framework where cognitive semantics and formal semantics can actually converge in the task of modeling ‘knowledge contents’. The main aim of this approach is to enhance tools and solutions provided by “knowledge technologies”. I will introduce the notion ofCognitive Matrix as “the network of static and dynamic structures underlying cognition”:
Cognitive Matrix supplies a nested structure to the flow of information that starts from the environment and, passing through the private mental layer of agents, ends in linguistic forms. Machine- understandability of knowledge strongly depends on the creation of computational models of the world, so-called "ontologies"; nevertheless, ontologies cannot capture the dynamic aspects of meaning construction. The goal of this seminar is to present an hybrid perspective on meaning, both on the side of theoretical foundations and technological solutions.